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「WEATHER REPORT」は、日々の生活で欠かせない存在の天気予報のアイコンを身近な物に溶け込ませ”日常に楽しさをプラスしたい”という想いを込めたライフスタイル雑貨ブランドです。


『WEATHER REPORT プレート』は、日本の伝統的な陶磁器の一つである美濃焼のプレートです。美濃焼の職人が丁寧に仕上げた上質な食器を、マットな質感のカラフルで遊び心のある形にしました。ラインアップは、年間を通して見る機会の多い天気予報のアイコン「たいよう」「くも」「あめ」「かみなり」の4種。



"WEATHER REPORT" is a lifestyle goods brand that blends weather forecast icons, which are indispensable in our daily lives, into familiar objects to “add fun to everyday life.

"WEATHER REPORT Plate” is a Minoyaki plate, one of the traditional Japanese ceramics. The high-quality tableware carefully crafted by Minoyaki artisans has been given a colorful and playful shape with a matte texture. The lineup includes four types of weather forecast icons that are often seen throughout the year: sun, clouds, rain, and thunder.

In addition to use at the dining table with bread, fruit, sweets, etc., the plates are just the right size to be used as trays for small items and accessories. These sundry plates are also recommended as gifts.

The plate is an exciting and enjoyable plate to choose from, whether by weather, favorite color or shape, or by thinking about the combination of the two. We hope you will spend a time of stimulating conversation through our products.

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